As well as general teaching classroom facilities, the school has fully equipped areas for
teaching of Business Education, Home Economics, Art, Science, Industrial Technology,
Agricultural Science, Computer Studies, Music, Drama and TAFE(Engineering).
Our sporting facilities are extensive with a wide range of both summer and winter sports on
offer. Students are encouraged to make use of the equipment and facilities at lunchtime.
Some use is made of the school’s sporting areas by community groups on weekends.
This is welcomed provided prior arrangements have been made with the school.
Our school library has a selection of reference books, non-fiction and fiction books as well
as a quiet area for individual students' study and reading during spare time e.g. lunch
Each student is given a copy of the library rules. With the added emphasis on assignment
and project research work in the school curriculum, it is essential that these rules be
strictly adhered to, to ensure fair circulation of all materials to students.